Saturday, 16 January 2016

[Development] Android Wear for the gear S2

I know there is no Android Development section to this device, I personally love tizen, but who wouldn't want to see AW on this watch.

That being said the Gear S2 is using a Qualcom S4 play Cpu dual core 1.2ghz, I have been doing a lot of research and I may not be a developer, but I want to do what I can to see if it's possible. I have been on the forums and talking to many people in person about this and I have a few leads. I personally need people who can test and possibly help me get a better understanding of what I can do. I believe the hardware should be capable of running Android but I only have a few ideas/limited time to try them. I am looking for the recourses and or people to help me get this project started.
It's a proof of concept, I understand functionality will be lost, and if you want to tell me it's not worth it, or something I've already been told. Please kindly do not post. I am interested in general conversation about it, in a positive way. Unless you are saying something particularly for the mutual benefit/genuine curiosity/or an interest in the topic. I understand this will take up to a year to complete and I will likely create a different thread when the time comes. Thank you for reading and your help is appreciated.


Download from this link

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