Saturday, 16 January 2016

[SHARE][UNOFFICIAL][5.1.1][v79.0][28 Dec]Xposed for Samsung Lollipop


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This is an Xposed framework variant tested on the Galaxy Grand 2 DUOS (G7102) running TW Android 5.1.1.

Samsung made a lot of changes to ART without providing the sources, that's why it took a while to workaround some of their changes, more information here.

It supports Stock and close to stock Roms.

This Xposed variant does NOT break support for any other device supported by official Xposed, which means it still support all devices supported by the official one, this version adds Samsung and XZ compressed odexes support.

- Stock (or close to stock) 5.1.1 Roms
- TWRP recovery

Bugs report:
- If you get any App FC, lag, post your Rom details, xposed logs
- If you get a boot-loop, reboot and get the logcat with "adb logcat" as soon as it gets detected on your PC (you may need to use a Linux distro to get earlier logs).

- ARM means the devices that are running arm32 operating system (Grand 2, S3 neo etc...)
- SDK22 means Android Lollipop 5.1.x

I will not reply to any bug reports that ignore the above requirements, explain clearly your issue so i can help, i can't read your mind.

How to install:
- Install Xposed Installer App
- Make a nandroid backup
- Copy the Xposed file and the uninstaller to your sdcard
- Flash "" through CWM recovery
- Reboot

Mirror and old versions.


Donate to @rovo89
All credits go to @rovo89 for his amazing job on xposed framework
Thanks to @_riddle for his work on oat2dex
Thanks to @romracer @arter97, @clark44, @insty, @svadev
@wanam for the thread ALL cerdits to him
Without these people, this would not have been possible at all.


Download from this link

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